Why dealcoholized sparkling wine?

“Why dealcoholized sparkling wine?” you might ask yourself. Quite simply: alcohol and our lymphatic system are not exactly the best of friends. When alcohol is involved, the pumping function of our lymphatic vessels decreases and this can lead to increased accumulation of lymph. In other words, the swelling can increase and the whole thing can become quite uncomfortable. For lymphedema patients, this disadvantage is clear, but if you have lipedema, this swelling could not only be annoying, but also cause pain. Nobody really needs that.

Alcohol also impairs the way proteins are processed in the body, which in turn puts additional strain on our lymphatic system. But because we don't want to miss out on the happy moments of kick-off, we have created the “Stowaway”. So you can toast, laugh and celebrate with us without putting your lymphatic system to the test. Cheers to smart enjoyment and a high five to our lymphatic system!

Recipe: Fruity sprat spritz

🍹 150ml "Stowaway" dealcoholized sparkling wine
🍹 50ml elderflower syrup
🍹 A handful of fresh mint leaves
🍹 A handful of fresh raspberries, strawberries or a few lemon wedges
🍹 Ice cubes
🍹 A slice of lemon for decoration
🍹 Sparkling water (as desired)

Preparation: Take a large wine glass or balloon glass and fill it halfway with ice cubes.

Pure fruits: Add the fresh berries and mint leaves. You can clap the mint in your hands a bit beforehand to release the aromas.

Adding sweetness: Now add the elderflower syrup. The sweet note fits perfectly with the fruity character of the “Stowaway”.

Sparkling main role: Now pour in the dealcoholized sparkling wine.

Filling & Decorating: If you want, you can top the whole thing up with a splash of sparkling water. Finally, put a slice of lemon or lime on the glass or add it directly to the glass.

Enjoy: Stir everything gently and toast - to enjoyment without regret and the good feeling of doing something good for your body.

Cheers! You will see that this drink is not only a pleasure for the palate, but also a real eye-catcher. Enjoy!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Christine Stork

Es geht auch ohne Alkohol. Ich finde eine super Alternative, die schmeckt.