“Everything will be different this year!”
Does this phrase or a variation of it sound familiar? The turn of the year often tempts us to want to change everything according to the motto “new year, new me”. It's not always that easy. Only about 12 percent of people actually follow through on their New Year's resolutions. [1]
Especially with regard to the Diagnoses of thrombosis and lipedema and lymphedema The list of possible resolutions is long: wear arm and leg compression every day, get lymphatic drainage weekly, read more books on the subject, practice better skin care, etc. If you see yourself in that, then this blog article is for you. We've put together some helpful thoughts and strategies that can help you if you changes in your life.

First take a deep breath
First you can now go really deep a few times breathe into the stomach - is good for the lymphatic system and at least as good for the nerves. And then you can forgive yourself and leave all failed resolutions in the past. Because we are now concentrating on what you can change: namely your present and therefore your future. And before you continue reading, close your eyes and take a minute to remind yourself of this thank youthat you are a fighter and do your best every day. Even if you don't believe it right now. You rock!
Know your why
When it comes to New Year's resolutions, author Domonique Bertolucci distinguishes between three different groups in her book “This year will be different”:
The first group has no New Year's resolutions and after a few months the feeling that I had missed the chance to change something. The next group sits down huge goals that they achieve virtually overnight want - these unrealistic expectations then lead to disappointment. The last group is so focused on their resolutions that they completely neglect everything around them and sometimes even those important things in life are ignored lets.
So instead of listing resolutions, the author advises thinking bigger and formulating a statement of intent. To do this, she recommends asking yourself the following question: A year from now, what do I want to say about the person I am and how I live my life?
Because people often fail because of resolutions that are not really theirs inner vision and therefore encounter resistance. An example that much of society (and especially our community) will be familiar with is the weight loss resolution. It is often followed by a from external circumstances influenced ideal of beauty - the diet therefore becomes a compulsion. A completely different motivation can be the desire to be fitter in order to lead a long, healthy life.
So take your time to your heart's desire to explore - regardless of whether today is January 20th or June 20th. As the saying goes “one day or day one?” If you are not satisfied with your life today, then take a close look at what YOU can and will change about it. If you haven't dealt with it yet, it is very helpful if you have yours most important values know.
That's exactly why you can find it in the Power Sprotte online shop A Good Plan (undated). In addition to the calendar function, there is a large part for self-reflection. In it you can find out what your Values and thus Guidelines for future decisions are. But there is also room for goals and desires, as well as practice "The Web of Life" to determine how satisfied you are in the twelve areas of life. Since it is undated, you can start at any time. So your new, better year can begin today.
setting SMART goals
If you know your “why”, then it will be easier for you to think specifically about “what” you want to achieve. A proven method for achieving goals is the SMART method, which states that goals
Rrealistic and
Tmust be ermined - SMART even.
To illustrate the whole thing with an example: Instead of taking on yourself “I want to get fitter” could be your SMART goal agreement: “In six months (scheduled) I want to run 6 km in 30 minutes (specific and measurable) Being able to jog and be together with my friends (attractive) take part in the city run.” It is important that the goal is both realistic and challenging. If you are currently running 6 km in 35 minutes, the challenge may be too small - but if you are interested in jogging and are looking for a small and doable challenge, this may be just the thing. This way you can set goals in every area of your life that match your values and desires and you can do it in six months. Based on yours self-reflection You can check whether a formulated goal corresponds to your values and can have a positive impact on the changes you are striving for. [2]
Establish beneficial habits
Many goals can be achieved particularly by establishing beneficial habits. In relation to the diagnosis of lipedema/lymphedema, it could look like this:
You want it a year from today be fitter and daily your Compression carry. Also, you want an absolute self-management queen be. If you are just carrying your first compression and are still having a hard time, then you can start very slowly.
In week one, you wear your leg supplies every day for as long as you can. If that works well, arm care will be added in week two - initially just one arm per day and only as long as you can stand it. This way you can slowly get used to it and wearing it will become a habit. To get fitter, you can also start with mini habits such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing five squats every day, etc. Do what you want and catch KLEIN an.
Habits can also be stacked. What does that mean? If you in the future invest more time in your self-management If you want, then the whole thing could look like this. Your existing daily habit is getting up. Now set your alarm clock five to ten minutes earlier and combine your existing “getting up” habit with simple exercises that get your lymphatic system going at the beginning of the day. When it comes to skin care, our suggestion is: when you take off your compression, apply skin care immediately afterwards. [1]
What else is important to us
Dear flat knitting hero, at the end we want to say something important.
How much or how little you have converted from now on your decision and is in your hand. Yes, it's good to establish beneficial habits in life BUT only as long as it feels right for you. There's a lot of talk out there about self-improvement. Many things are helpful, but some things can also leave you believing that you are not good enough. But you are.
It's great that you're there.
- [1] https://urbestself.de/blogs/article/gute-gewohnheiten-entwickeln
- [2] SMART Method: https://karrierebibel.de/smart-methode/
Read more and listen more:
- Bertolucci, Domonique (2021): “This year will be different” (audiobook)
- Clear, James (2020): “The 1% Method – Minimum Change, Maximum Impact”
- A good publisher: A good book about mindfulness
- A good publisher: A good plan (undated)